§ 319-6. Compulsory connection for newly annexed properties.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Connection to public sewer or water lines otherwise required by the City of Lodi ordinances shall not be required for properties annexed following the effective date of this chapter until the earliest of the following to occur:
    The failure of the existing private wastewater disposal system or well serving the particular property.
    The expiration of five years from the date of passage of the ordinance annexing the property.
    Upon the happening of any of the events described in Subsection A(1) or upon the expiration of the time period referred to in Subsection A(2), all City ordinances pertaining to connection to public sewer and water shall then come into effect for said property, and the owner of the property shall thereupon make connection to both the public sewer main and public water main and abandon any private facilities as required by the City ordinances.
    For purposes of this section, "failure" shall be defined as the inability of the existing private wastewater disposal system or well to meet state, county or local requirements for such systems. No such system or well, once it has failed, shall be replaced, unless public service of the type (sewer or water) of system that has failed is not then available to the property. Normal maintenance of such private wastewater disposal system or well may be done when required and shall not be considered a failure. Failure of a major component of a private wastewater disposal system or well (defined as a component which would cost more than 25% of the cost of the entire system involved to replace) constitutes, for purposes of this section, failure of the entire system.